Garmin and BMW Navigator devices seem to have difficulties with calculating a GPX route with only 'soft' waypoints. This issue does not only occur when you use the MyRoute-app Connector, but it may also occur when you download a GPX file from the internet.

To solve the issue, please try the following:

  1. Make a route in the HERE map of MyRoute-app and make sure that all waypoints are placed exactly on the road.
  2. Do not place the start and ending point to close to each other.
  3. Open the Connector
  4. Choose 'Garmin new' (for Garmin) or 'BMW motorbike' (for BMW Navigator) (GPX 1.1).
  5. Check in the setting of your navigation device that 'offroad' mode is turned off.
  6. Do you still get straight lines? please go to the settings of your navigation device and change the route preferences, for example, 'avoid highways', the Garmin or BMW Navigator will now recalculate the route. Thereafter you can change the settings back to your preferred setting. We advise 'fastest route' 

If your Garmin or BMW Navigator is able to navigate tracks, then this has the preference. For this type of devices (modern devices) please try the following:

  1. Make sure that recalculation is turned off ('setting' > 'navigation' > 'recalculation).
  2. Go to 'Apps'.
  3. Choose 'Tracks'.
  4. Select the track you would like to import.
  5. Click the 'Wrench'.
  6. Select 'Show on map'.
  7. Click 'Convert to trip'.
  8. Choose 'Begin to end'.
  9. You can change the name now if you would like this.
  10. Click 'Ok'.
  11. The device will calculate the route and save it to the 'Tripplanner'.
  12. Go to 'Apps' and then to 'Tripplanner'.
  13. Select the converted track and click 'Go!'
  14. Select 'Begin'.
  15. The device will calculate the route.
  16. Click 'Start', you can now start driving, enjoy!